
Helping People and Companies Thrive Through Empowered Financial Solutions

Writing Your Story in the New Year

In the financial world, we tend to think in quarters rather than seasons, use spreadsheets more than pencil and paper, and punctuate our speech with ticker symbols instead of adjectives. But Shepherd Financial is not your average retirement consulting firm.

Yes, our goal is to create retirement-ready individuals – whether that’s through our 401(k) plan participant engagement meetings or individual wealth management process. Our team is always focused on providing amazing, intentional service. What really differentiates us, though, is our desire to prioritize people, as well as their stories, lives, and goals.

We know that while not much actually changes between December 31st and January 1st, most people view the turning of the calendar page as their chance for a fresh start. The new year lies ahead, open and unblemished. If you are ready to charge into the new year with guns blazing, we applaud you. Take the world by storm!

But for others, the new year creates anxiety. And if you are one of the many people who experienced a tumultuous 2016, you may be looking back, weary and unsettled. Perhaps unexpected medical bills have financially swamped you. Maybe you are now responsible for the care of an elderly parent. You might feel uncertain about our country’s economic future. How you feel about these experiences truly matters.

And we know it can be quite common to let those feelings create a state of paralysis. Worry and fear twist in your stomach. You stop moving, and life simply happens to you. We get it. But know this: we see you, and your story matters to us. You are not alone.

If you’re hesitantly peering over the edge of the new year, our challenge for you is this: be the leading character in your own story. This will require turning hopeful eyes toward your circumstances, taking ownership of your situation, and making active decisions about what comes next.

You are not stuck unless you do nothing – so do something!

For some, that will include swallowing your pride and asking for help. Make the phone call you’ve been avoiding and set an appointment with a financial planner/counselor/personal trainer/doctor. Yes, it’s hard, but it is necessary to move forward.

Other people will need to take a long look at spending habits and commit to doing something different with finances this year. Maybe it means cutting up your credit cards, or perhaps it involves creating a budget and carefully tracking expenses in order to get out from under a weighty mountain of debt. Financial freedom won’t happen unless you deliberately work toward it.

Let 2017 be a year of positive change in your life. And if you need us to partner with you for either the first step or the long haul, our team is only a phone call away.

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